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Are You Stressing Your Pet Out

Are You Stressing Your Pet Out

Stressing your pet out Human relationships are often rocky typically. We will hurt every other’s feelings or get on one…
Die Geschichte hinter dem Mythos: Warum sagt man, dass ein Mensch stirbt, wenn ein Hund heult?

Die Geschichte hinter dem Mythos: Warum sagt man, dass ein Mensch stirbt, wenn ein Hund heult?

Trotz des Aberglaubens, dass das Heulen eines Hundes bedeutet, dass der Tod nahe ist, kann die Realität anders aussehen und…
World Dog Day: What to do if I see that a dog is being mistreated?

World Dog Day: What to do if I see that a dog is being mistreated?

In many parts of the world, World Dog Day is celebrated every July 21 , this in tribute to that…
How long does a bee sting last in dogs

How long does a bee sting last in dogs

Dogs are curious animals, so they will not hesitate to go out to sniff or play chasing insects in the garden of…
How to Train Your Dog to Hunt

How to Train Your Dog to Hunt

If you’re a dog owner with a lively, outdoorsy-type personality then you recognize  there are plenty of fun adventures to…
10 foods you can give your dog in 2023

10 foods you can give your dog in 2023

If you don’t have croquettes or don’t want them. Is it dinner time and you’re about to feed your dog…