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Sterilization in dogs: What is it, benefits, appropriate Age and Care

Sterilization in dogs has many advantages such as avoiding unwanted pregnancies and reducing the probability of breast cancer as well as testicular cancer. Surely at some point you have been told about sterilization, but you are not so sure about carrying it out because you have doubts, and it is normal because it is a step that is irreversible. Therefore, if you want to be informed of everything you should know and take into account before taking this step, stay, we will explain what this procedure entails according to Purina experts.

What is sterilization?

It is an operation where the reproductive organs are removed from dogs, in females they are the ovaries and also the uterus, while in males the testicles and it is better known as castration. Neutering is less invasive when the dog’s testicles have not descended. That of the dogs, on the other hand, is different, since it is performed through abdominal surgery.

This operation is routine and is done under general anesthesia. After this, the veterinarian will inject him with painkillers and at home you have to continue with certain care such as giving him anti-inflammatories so that he recovers quickly.

Age to sterilize a dog

Dogs begin their reproductive cycle or sexual maturity when they are 6 months old, although some breeds can start after a year. Some people sterilize them before to prevent their dog from getting pregnant, although experts recommend that it be done after her first heat, just three months later. Although you must be constantly vigilant so that at that time the males do not mount the females, nor do the females get pregnant.

Advantages of sterilizing dogs

*Decreases the probability of breast cancer, as well as ovarian cancer in females
*Eliminate the risk of pregnancy
*Decreases the probability of tumors and prostate cancer in males
*It makes them less lazy to look for a partner and mount it
*Eliminate awkward behaviors like riding on objects.

Care after sterilization

When there is an operation with anesthesia you should know that there is care that is after this. For this reason, once you have taken into account sterilization, you must be aware of certain subsequent care:

*Monitor most of the time after the operation
*It is normal for the dog to whimper afterwards, but if it becomes frequent and intense, you should call a specialist.
*Give them the recommended medication at the right times.
*Go to reviews the days you were awarded.
*If they go outside, keep him on a leash until he is discharged.
*A balanced diet.
*Protect the points, preventing your dog from jumping or making sudden movements.
*If non-absorbable points are used, only the specialist will remove them.

Do not forget to go with a specialist to practice this operation. Take care of all aspects of care so that you have a quick recovery and take into account that this brings more benefits than it seems.

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