How to deal with the hedges? A very special pet.

The hedgehog, in addition to having a cute and cuddly appearance, is a small animal that requires different care and attention. We tell you here what you need to know to have one of these healthy pets and be happy at home.

The hedgehog is a unique and special animal, not only does it eat a very different kind of food compared to other pets, but it is covered with small quills and turns into a compact and pungent ball when it is frightened.

In recent years, the Hedgehogs have become more and more popular, and rightly, because these beautiful creatures are playful and can be very cuddly in their own way.

Originating from regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa, these small mammals have been named for their thorny appearance. His nose looks like a little trunk and his legs with claws recall those of the bears. Let’s review the care you should have with these pinchuditos.

The house of the hedgehog

In nature, the hedges are very active: they climb, dig, run on kilometers and even swim. The place you designate as the house or habitat of your hedgehog must be large enough to allow this natural behavior. It must have smooth walls so that it can not escape by climbing and its size must be about 1.80 m2, even though more you can offer space, the better.

The hedgehogs are not very social, so it is better that you have one at a time or that you kept them in separate houses,

The habitat must be kept in a temperate location, sheltered from direct sunlight and cold areas, and prone to the air currents of your home. Clean it at least once a week, with odor or special products for this purpose.

It must not contain objects that can be dangerous, such as sharp or exploded edges, or pieces of fabric that faint because they can get stuck in their legs.

The cages designed for pigs and rabbits are suitable for hedgehogs, but those with metal lattice funds should be avoided because their legs are small and delicate. Choose a flexible substrate, such as recycled paper or flexible chips.

Includes accessories in your home

Give him a place where he can hide or shelter, it can be pretty much anything, you can find caves designed for the hedgehogs in specialized stores.

The exercise wheel is a very important piece to maintain the health of your hedgehog and avoid being overweight. The hedgehogs are very active, mainly at night, make sure that the wheel is silent, made of a solid material, and not wire or have spaces where their legs can get stuck. You can put other toys such as tubes, tunnels, and rattles to create a more stimulating environment.

Attention to temperatures

These little friends are very sensitive to extreme temperatures. Its comfort zone is between 23 and 29ºC. Cold temperatures can lead the hedges to switch to the hibernation mode and become lethargic, which can be fatal in captivity. The use of heating plates and cushions is recommended in very cold climates and to monitor the temperature of their habitat with an environmental thermometer.

What does a hedgehog eat?

Clean and fresh water must always be available and they can drink both in the dishes and in bottled drinks.

Other care

The hedgehogs are very talented to groom and it is not necessary to swim, except for exceptions or for medical indications, such as the treatment of mites on the skin. What is needed is to cut their nails every two or three weeks, for that best is to ask your veterinarian to teach you or do it itself.

To ensure the health of your hedgehog, you must bring it for an annual examination at an exotic pet veterinarian for a physical examination that may include blood and stool analysis.

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